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Writer Notes
I know this is stupid. Tell me what you think.
Listen to the Reader
By: Bratt22
I realize that everyone has something they don't like
about their own body, something they might be ashamed of.
Some people are fat. Others have pimples. Some kids have a
birthmark or particular malformation that their parents try to
convince them to be proud of. "God made you that way," they
tell their children. A hair-lip. Or a mole. But I would
trade with any of these kids, because I think my case is
entirely unique.
I have a thumb growing out of my forehead.
That's right. An actual thumb. It's not a big
thumb, really, just a normal sized one, and in fact a pretty
good looking thumb if I do say so myself. Still, I've
tried covering it up with bangs and other hair styles. Or by
wearing scarves or headbands, pretending to be stylish.
Although most days I just try tucking it under the brim of a
hat. Thing is, nothing I ever do really hides it well
enough... you know, so that I can feel comfortable around my
friends at school. Take it from me, a thumb growing out of
your forehead can be really embarrassing. And I hardly ever
get asked to the dances.
My mother doesn't help much either. Sometimes when
she's trying to fix it (like when she's manicuring
the nail or trying to "pretty it up" with, say, pink or red
nail polish) she tells me, worriedly, that it's beginning
to look more like a toe than a thumb. I just roll my eyes.
She can be so insensitive sometimes. When she's not
looking I wiggle it at her, mockingly. Oh, and she hates
whenever I show people I can bend and move it. "You know
that's not polite," she says.
Anyways. Other people try to be nice about it. They try
to joke and make me feel better by saying things like,
"Hitch-hiking would be so easy for you! Just think! If its
cold you can keep both hands in your pockets!" I mean, I
appreciate their up-beat attitudes, most of them; they're
just trying to be nice. It's just that, not everyone is
so nice. I mean, it really pisses me off when guys at my
school whisper things like "mind if I hang my jacket" or even
worse, when they pretend to be friendly but then give me that
"thumbs-up" signal and walk away laughing. Jeez! I just tell
myself that they suffer from "thumb-envy" because they know
it's bigger than anything they've got.
Bunch of assholes.
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