1) Images

2) Texts

3) Content



Image Size, Shape, and Format

2) WriterQ supports only jpg, jpeg, and png image formats.

3) For profile icons, choose a square-shaped image.

4) Cover images may be no larger than xx.
Icon images may be no larger than xx.

Image Content

5) Only upload images that you own the rights to, that you have permission to use, or that are in the public domain.

6) Never upload an image that contains a realistic depiction of exposed genitalia, not even in the adult category.

(See our Terms and Conditions of Use).


Word-count, Page-length, & Credits

These values can best be understood by clicking on the Credit Chart located at the top right corner, beneath the Logout button.

1) Minimum submission = 25 words (equal to 1 page and worth 1 full credit).

2) Maximum submission = 1300 words (equal to 5 pages and worth 5 full credits).


Submitting works COSTS you credits.

Recording works EARNS you credits.

(You may not earn credits by recording your own works.)

To submit a work with a word-count of 573, for example, (equal to 2.2 pages), you will need 2.2 credits, which will be
deducted from your account when you submit the work.

To earn credits, simply record the works of other members. Credit values are listed on every work.

You must have at least 1 credit in order to submit a work. (1 credit would allow you 1 page, or 25-300 words.)

Maximum credits allowed to be held at any given time is 25. Once this limit is reached, you may continue to
enjoy recording works, but you must begin to spend credits in order to earn more credits. It's time to start writing.