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Writer Notes
This posting includes reasons why I think a college degree is important.
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The importance of a college degree
By: emosborne1
The earning of a college degree is a very important
accomplishment. It means that you wanted something and you did
what you had to in order to earn it. People spend thousands of
dollars and years of there life sitting in a class room to
earn a piece of paper with there name on it, but to them
it's more than a piece of paper, it's and
accomplishment from all those long nights doing work, all the
multiple paged papers, and all those long hours studying. In
the world we live in today you can't get very far with
out an education, since a high school diploma is a requirement
from the state and for most jobs most people try to continue
there education to better there future and there job
opportunity. In a recent study it says that the higher
education you have the more money you will earn in your life
time and everyone always wants to make more money. The point
of spending thousands of dollars and years in school is not
the fact that you have to do a lot of work but it's what
comes after you finish, yes you may only get a piece of paper
with your name on it but the opportunity's you get after
you've earned a degree are endless such as, you have a
chance to further your education even more,get a better job or
career, and get paid more. Having a college degree
doesn't mean that you'll be successful and not
having a college degree does not mean that you wont be
successful, success is all about how you make it, how you
perceive success is entirely up to you as a person. Spending
the thousands of dollars is a small price to pay when your
spending it on something that can extremely benefit your
future and 15 years down the line when you've already
earned your degree you can earn all that money back that you
spent on college by having a career that you got from your
Enrique Osborne
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