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Writer Notes
I am sharing my viewpoint of what a good education means and how it will help you succeed in life.
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What good is a College Education
By: Beaniee1222
Sabrina Fong
A great college education is worth every second spent doing
homework and in the classroom. I feel strongly about having a
good college education because it allows you to further your
education obtaining a degree of your desired choice. Once a
person receives there degree it allows them to become a more
successful individual in life, being able to provide for there
selves and there families. the point of spending all them
money and years in school is very hard maybe at the time that
you are going to school but will pay off in the long run
because you have a very successful education and your degree
in your names proves that. If you stay fully focused you can
achieve all the goals you have set for yourself in your life
since you have fulfilled your academic education. But, once
you get your degree you will have a set career, and a stable
job. The only problem that I see this day in age, is the
amount of money that people have to pay back monthly for there
student loans an I know that can be financially hard when you
are in the workforce and providing for your family.
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