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I don't think you need to spend many years at a college to get a good education.
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Standing the Value of Education
By: cilladilla94
A good college education would be spending a short period of
time at a college or a trade school. Although, spending many
years a college is a good idea that doesn't mean you cant
get a good paying job with a short amount of education. I did
the certified nursing assistant program which was only a few
months but i already can get $13 dollars an hour and work my
way up. So in my opinion you don't need to spend 4 years
plus to have a good education. The're many programs that
you can get trained into a field with out spending a bucket
load of many. The point of spending thousands of dollars in a
college education is to be more knowledgeable and have a
better understanding in the study that you are trying to
achieve. A lot of places now at work places it does not
matter how much education you have because they either want
more and more education or they can just train you. it is
good to have a lot of college but its not a necessity to get
far in life. Everyone takes different road and paths. Some
people cant afford many years of college so they have to take
alternatives to succeed in life.
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