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Writer Notes
Is college knowledge worth your time and money? Ya or nah?
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The time and money spent in college knowledge
By: lovepain3
Joshua E. Messinger
En. 0900
P. Ford
Twenty-three year old millionaire, Mathieu Lamontagne said on
January, 24th, 2015 that “college is not needed, but is
good to gain knowledge.” He then said “as long as
you know everything you should be fine.” Mr.
Lamontagne’s words can’t be better. College is an
opportunity to prove knowledge that is gained or obtained. If
college were not used to gain additional knowledge that is
gained or obtained If college were not used to gain additional
knowledge and students knew all information for their desired
career’s, then career goals would be met and completed
even without college. Nelson Mandela, said “knowledge is
the most powerful weapon.” If knowledge is the most
powerful weapon, especially to change the world, does
knowledge need to come from college? Knowledge from Google
dictionary is defined as; facts, information and skills
acquired by a person through experience or education. If
Knowledge is gained through formal education, that money and
time is invested, but also gain the same skills through time
and experience, is the money spent still worth it? In
conclusion, college is not worth the money but college is
worth the time to contain the experience and skills.
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