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Writer Notes
Thoughts on the value of higher education.
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What Use is a College Eduacation
By: Karasorrells
A college education is an important chapter of your life. It
can help you in so many ways especially for your career. When
you decide to enroll in college most people have a major and
pursue courses related to that major. In those courses you
learn and build skills to be successful in that field.
In the world today a lot of employers want somebody who has an
college education, it can benefit you in that way also.
Coming into college your freshman year the age ranges from
17-19 just coming out of high school and transitioning into a
higher education, higher standards. It helps you become more
independent by doing things on your own and helps you see how
the work place will be like.
Everybody goes to school for a different reason, take different
classes. If you want to become a nurse you will take classes
to better yourself in the medical field while others take
courses focused on their career and course selection.
After you have completed your college education you have spent
hours of your time and spent thousands of dollars but its one
of the greatest accomplishment you can achieve. I will learn
how to better myself and better my future goals at my career.
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