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Writer Notes
Thoughts on the value of higher education.
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What Use is a College Education
By: Dmayfield
What good is a college education? What is the point of
spending thousands and thousands of dollars and years of your
life in school?
A good college education is something everyone should strive to
achieve in their life. This is so they can provide for family
and get a really good paying job. This education will stay
with you for the rest of your life. Also, you can get a higher
degree in the studies that you are working on as long as yhou
put more time and money into it.
As you spend thousands and thousands of dollars and a lot of
years of your life in college, you will be able to come out of
college and get the job you have dreamed of. Your degree will
always stay with you. Once you have reached the point in your
college life that you feel comfortable, you can be a
successful worker at the job you want. Another reason for a
lot of money being spent is so that you have the right
material and the proper books to succeed in college.
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