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Writer Notes
A general overview of the Introduction to Composition class.
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Hello and Welcome
By: pford001
Hello and Welcome
First, congratulations on making the decision to further your
education; learning leads to better living. I am pleased that
you have registered for my course, and I hope it will provide
you with a challenging but enjoyable learning experience.
There are some important things that you should know about this
1) This course does not teach reading skills. You have a much
higher chance of success if you are able to read and
understand high school level English. If you have a diagnosed
learning disability or an individualized educational plan that
requires accommodation, please speak to me privately after our
first class meeting.
2) You are responsible for keeping track of assignments,
submitting them on time, and tracking your progress throughout
the course. Some students believe the instructor should be
able to tell them what their average is at any given moment,
but students who are serious about learning will always know
how they are doing in a class, and they won’t wait for
someone to tell them.
3) You must be proactive. The forty or so hours you will
spend in this class are not enough by themselves to make you
an effective writer. You must read and write EVERY day,
whether or not there is an assignment.
4) Finally, the old saying about homework is true: If you do
not have time to study, you do not have time to pass. Most
adult students have many things to attend to besides school.
There are jobs, family matters, other classes, and many more
things that require our attention. Even so, each of us is
responsible for prioritizing our activities and making sure
there is time in our week for homework and other
school-related tasks.
While I insist that students take responsibility for their own
learning, I am happy to provide extra assistance to anyone who
requests it. Remember, I am here to help you build the
essential writing skills that you will need throughout
college. Becoming a proficient writer is neither a fast nor
an easy process; it takes time and effort; however, the more
time and effort you devote to writing, the more confident you
will feel each time you sit down to do it.
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