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Writer Notes
Just a simple tip.
Listen to the Reader
First & Third
By: lucyr
I write much better in first person singular. For some reason
talking about myself is easier; the words never stop coming.
Either I love talking about myself or I love channeling the
pretend consciousness of a new character.
The problem: right now I'm working on a novel that
must be written in third person. There must be an all-seeing
narrator who understands many perspectives, time and space
shifts, and activities -- which slows down my writing. The
words just don't flow as well.
Solution: I continue to write in my own natural way, that
is, in the first person singular. The words flow as usual and
the pages keep filling up. On a few experiments, then, I go
back and change all the first person stuff into third person.
I simply change all the "I"s into "his" or "hers"; and the
"my's" into "theirs'". And you know what?
It's working.
At some point I read the new stuff back and I can get a
pretty good feel for its rhythms. In fact, I'm starting
to forgo the first person writing altogether, in order to save
time, and just write from the beginning in third-person.
It's coming more naturally to me now and I'm
guessing that if I keep up this practice, I will have taught
myself a new skill.
If you have the same problem that I do, try this.
You'll be surprised at how well it works.
Good luck, and happy writing!
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Are the word choices good? 1 Vote(s)
Is the dialogue believable (if any)? 1 Vote(s)
Founded by Steve & Judy
you suck