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Writer Notes
I was just bored.
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No Cause for Paranoia
By: DevlinRyder
Perhaps the dog was a good idea: for a long time I could trick
myself into thinking that people were staring at the dog
instead of me. He is a nice dog, after all; a Cocker Spaniel,
brown with white spots. I call him Rusty even though
he's not quite rust colored. But then whenever he would
cock his leg up, on a bush or fire-hydrant, I would run cold
with embarrassment; standing there waiting, looking around
foolishly with my little creature peeing at the end of a
chain. Might I have easily walked around with a balloon on a
string? No, I have to present in public as some sick and
dominating bastard. Poor dog. I know what people were
But anyway, due to an incident last week -- I should call
it the Final Straw -- I've given up dog-walking and going
for walks altogether. For I barely escaped the police!
That's right, the park police! Two of them chased me
through the woods for a short distance before I slyly
disappeared into a sewer. Luckily I had traversed those
sewers a million times when I was a kid and knew their
blueprints, so to speak. Within minutes I was able to make my
way through the trickling echoes and darkness back to an
opening in the creek near my house. I ran into my garage and
waited there panting for a long time wondering what time it
was, wondering how long it would be before my wife got home
from work.
Eventually I went into my bedroom and put on my pants.
And I think next time maybe I should wear them whenever I go
outside -- that is, whenever I feel safe enough to leave the
house again!
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Founded by Steve & Judy