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This is what Im hearing.
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Whats In A Blog!
By: judy_ann
Whats In A Blog!
By: Judy Ann
What's in a blog? What the hell IS a blog? Blah! Blah!
Blah! Blog, am I right? I simply don't see the difference
in blogging as opposed to journaling, tweeting, skype, face
booking, yada, yada, yada. Is it not all the same in the sense
a voice is heard? Your voice, their voice, voices coming and
going at us all the night and day long from every direction. A
steady pace of being force fed a daily serving of vocal garb.
No wonder the "wait" problem in America. Could it be the ego
has found a way to entertain itself via multi media? Why so
many ways to be heard? Why the NEED? And if you can't say
it with words, send a photo or two or three. DAMN IT! just
look at me, I can't say it any louder. I suppose the
"telly" would never have sufficed for such an egocentric
society. "Houston", do we have a problem? What is it
we're all trying to say anyway? Whatever it is it speaks
volumes. "Man can not live by bread alone" has never been
truer than today. And as I sit here and "SPEAK", shuffling my
fingers vigorously trying get to the point, to the matter at
hand if you will, I fear I too have fallen victim to my own
ego and the need to say....well.....really, nothing. Can you
hear me now????
Poll Results
Is It Interesting? 2 Vote(s)
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Is the narrative voice appropriate? 2 Vote(s)
Are the word choices good? 2 Vote(s)
Is the dialogue believable (if any)? 2 Vote(s)
Founded by Steve & Judy