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Writer Notes
No idea why I wrote this.
Listen to the Reader
Don't Touch Me
By: DevlinRyder
I was born beautiful.
And while I was growing up I was beautiful. My mother
would say, "Doesn't Benjamin have the cutest little
physique?" And all our occasional company or even people
along the streets would smile and nod. Some would point out
my large blue eyes and long eye-lashes. Or my bright golden
locks (I had shoulder-length hair). I knew what people were
seeing, of course, and how they were seeing it: because I was
also intelligent. In fact, my beauty was often the focus of
other people's admiration. They wanted to be a beautiful
boy child like me. Loved. Adored.
By the time I was twelve I would stand naked in front of
the bathroom mirror; sometimes for hours, looking at my young
boy's body, the vague contours of my stomach, all my
smooth skin, my muscular legs. Even my chest was beginning to
display some dimension. Tarzan, I thought. And I would
examine my armpits for tiny little hairs. Admirable blonde
wisps . . . if you looked close enough.
At sixteen I had become handsomely beautiful. Everybody
wanted to touch me. All the girls. And even some teachers
would brush against my jacket or try to shake my hand. Any
excuse to touch me. To be close to me. To actually be me, I
think. They all wanted to be a beautiful teenage boy, with
his whole life ahead of him. Sometimes I would tell jokes
that were purposely unfunny. And people would laugh anyway.
Which always disappointed me. Fakes.
Now that I'm in my twenties I no longer trust anyone.
I've let myself get fat and pasty looking. I'm
also hairy. And I've let myself get smelly. Smelly on
purpose. Because I don't want people sitting next to me
on the subway. I don't want people looking at me or
touching me, while they hope I come off on their fingertips,
so they can turn and taste me. I just want to be left alone.
I wear rags now, too, on purpose, and there are holes in
my shoes.
I don't expect you to understand.
Oh shit, I like you. Love the voice. I really wish I had recorded a cold read on this one. I seemed to have just slipped right into the character somehow. Not knowing exactly what it's like to be a beautiful boy, I suppose Im really just relating to wanting to "taste" you as you say. You sound oh so...Oh shit, I like you. Love the voice. I really wish I had recorded a cold read on this one. I seemed to have just slipped right into the character somehow. Not knowing exactly what it's like to be a beautiful boy, I suppose Im really just relating to wanting to "taste" you as you say. You sound oh so familiar to me. And to go as far as to let yourself become offensive just to be left alone is a riot. I suppose it's just to painful to bare witness to the severity of societal demise. What a disappointment for you. Maybe you just really wanted to be seen. I'm impressed with YOUR impression of those in society who "need" you to be ......well, you. So young for such an understanding and yes you are right, intelligent. Most beautiful females find this to be true at a very young age as well but use it to what they believe to be an advantage. Be it blessing or curse you seemed to have taken the low road. LOL. Fun read, thanks for entertaining with a "higher power" the mighty pen, instead of your looks ; ) OH WAIT this is fiction. Even better BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
- November 9, 2014
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Founded by Steve & Judy
Dark and wicked.