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Writer Notes
Just some stuff off the top of my head.
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The Red Man
By: dad
He was a strange man, devilish in appearance, hauntingly
devilish, who would visit me in my dreams. He was a bad man,
I knew, because he was red. Red with black holes for eyes. I
suppose he tried to enter my soul.
Sometimes the red man would suggest that I kill my
girlfriend. In detail he would explain that I should wait for
her to leave work, as this would be late at night, and drive a
knife into her neck. I should put her in the car and dump her
into the river. And this is odd, because I don't have a
girlfriend. Other times he would demand that I steal the
kittens out of my grandmother's closet, as though my
grandma would have kittens in her closet. No, the dreams, nor
anything he ever said, really ever made sense.
He must have been babbling just to keep me busy while he
whittled away at my logic, at my sensibilities. I know that
whenever I would wake up from these dreams, I would have lost
the memory of whole segments of my real life. Some of my
childhood, for example, would be missing from my mind; large
pieces of growing up, usually times that were fun. I
couldn't remember any of these. Probably he kept them
for himself.
I've been getting sick these last few months. I
think I might die soon. And, no doubt, it is because of the
strange red man casually striding around inside me.
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Founded by Steve & Judy