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Listen to the Reader
Summers in the Country
By: Dimplez85
It was the last day of school for Allison and she was beyond
excited. Every year she spent the summer with her
grandparents in the country. She enjoyed the much needed
break from the city. It was 3:45pm when the bell rang, the
school year had come to an end and summer vacation was about
to begin. Allison raced home from the school bus to begin
packing for her Grandparents house. They would be there to
pick her up later that evening. While packing, all Allison
could think about was all the fun she was going to have over
the summer. She had it all planned out. On the way to her
Grandparents house, she thought about her grandmothers freshly
squeezed lemonade and homemade apple pie. Her mouth watered
just thinking about it.
Once they reached her Grandparents house Allison went
upstairs to her room to unpack and get settled. Her
grandmother had prepared her favorite meal for dinner; fried
chicken, mac and cheese, collard greens, and homemade butter
biscuits. For dessert she had made her famous apple pie. After
dinner Allison was stuffed so she decided to get ready for
bed, she had a long day. That night she couldn't sleep
all she had on her mind was what she had planned to do her
first day of summer break. Eventually she dosed off and
started counting sheep.
The next morning Allison awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs,
and sausage being cooked for breakfast. The sun was shining
bright, it was going to be a beautiful day. She jumped out of
bed, showered, got dressed, ate breakfast, and went to meet up
with her friends. First, they went swimming in the nearby lake
and picked flowers in the field. Afterwards Allison, her
friends, and her Grandparents went to the park and had a
picnic. Allison loved spending time with her Grandparents.
They spent the whole afternoon laughing, joking, and listening
to Allison’s grandfather tell stories from his
As the sun begin to set they headed home. The girls wanted
to catch lightening bugs and lay under the stars. They ran
around the yard like crazy with their jars catching lightening
bugs. Allison hadn’t had this much fun in a long time.
The girls ran around until they couldn't’t run no
more laughing and giggling. As they laid under the stars the
girls begin reminiscing about their day and how much fun they
had together. They made plans for the next day, then
Allison’s friends headed home and she went inside. She
talked to her Grandparents for a little while. She showered
and off to bed she went, she was exhausted from all the fun
she had that day.
The next day she was awaken by the birds chirping. Waking up
to the sound of birds chirping was one of the many reasons she
loved being in the country. Along with going on nature walks,
picking blackberries and honeysuckles off of bushes. She loved
sucking the sweet nectar out of the honeysuckles. To Allison
being in the country was like heaven compared to living in the
city. She enjoyed the fresh country air. As she skipped to her
friend’s house, she smiled and thought to herself
I’m moving to the country when I get older!
Dimplez85 this is fantastic. I love the way you use words. "Giggle", "stars", "lightning bugs", "honeysuckle, etc. You made me feel like a little kid. I'm going to show this to my niece. It's perfect.
- October 9, 2014
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I think you did a great job of making me feel Allison's excitement, anticipation and plans for the summer and how much she loved the country and her grandparents' home.
- October 10, 2014
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Now that the recorder is working great, I thought I would come back and record your story. Seemed like a good conversational work to vocalize. I have to admit, this little writing made me hungry! haha. You made my mouth water -- I swear to god! haha. Keep writing. You have a way of tickling th...Now that the recorder is working great, I thought I would come back and record your story. Seemed like a good conversational work to vocalize. I have to admit, this little writing made me hungry! haha. You made my mouth water -- I swear to god! haha. Keep writing. You have a way of tickling the senses. *wink.
- October 25, 2014
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thank you Will, I just listened to your recording and i had to laugh at the end when you said this made me hungry.lol
- October 25, 2014
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Poll Results
Is It Interesting? 3 Vote(s)
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Are the word choices good? 3 Vote(s)
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Founded by Steve & Judy
Now that the recorder is working great, I thought I would come back and record your story. Seemed like a good conversational work to vocalize. I have to admit, this little writing made me hungry! haha. You made my mouth water -- I swear to god! haha. Keep writing. You have a way of tickling the senses. *wink.