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Writer Notes
Chasing a big dream. Picture: http://www.fashiongonerogue.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/colorful-prints-fashion-shoot001.jpg
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By: Tamarajb
Tamara Beach
Having a feeling like, you can’t get something done is
the worse. When you are young you have big dreams and you want
to do so much but it seems limited. They say you can do
whatever you put your mind to that’s true but its other
factors to it. You can’t just wake up and be a pilot,
you have to work for it and know how to do it. If you want to
be an actor and you aren’t in that environment you have
to risk moving to New York or LA to become an actor/actress.
You have to put yourself out there, sign up for auditions and
know people. It’s a lot to things when dealing with
dreams. I was always indecisive. I wanted to be a dentist, an
account, an actress, I wanted everything. I wanted a bigger
house than I am in now, to support my whole entire family and
friends. Now I have my mind set on Print Modeling. Most of the
time when you think of models, they are tall, slim, long hair,
perfect skin etc. It’s a lot to being a model. Print
Models usually promote or used to display merchandise and art.
I believe modeling is its own art. Everyone have different
shapes and sizes, skin tones, figures, and hair. It expresses
your beauty in all types of ways. I am 5 feet on the dot. I am
brown skin, almost like caramel. I am slim with a little
figure. I know I am beautiful. I believe I am fit to be a
print model. I’m not tall enough but who says models
can’t be short. My height limits me from being a model
in a way. I’ve reached out to local photographers and
agency. I’ve tried starting the process of being a print
model, it’s not that easy. I would love to live in LA
and be a print model. I have other ideas like being a business
manager but print modeling is my dream and that’s the
difference. Its stresses me that I can’t fulfill my
dreams no, like TODAY! I know I can do it but it feel like
I’m being held back. I will be risking my parent’s
money for college if I just drop it and follow my dreams. I
will be risking so much. I honestly think it’s worth it
but I need to set a plan. My plan is on hold now because
I’m not getting any advice or responses from anyone and
some of things I signed up for were a fraud. Frauds are a big
disappointment. Having a big dream like mine is crazy and
stressful but I know I can’t give up. I just need a
chance, and that one chance I get I will put my all into it to
prove it. I know I will follow my dream and be on top. I will
take care of my family and friends because I will make it. I
am going to be a Print Model somehow.
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