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Listen to the Reader
By: Arren
Arren Cauley
Cell Phones
Cellphones these days are a huge hit. Teens communicate
through cellphones. Everyone I know has a cellphone and stays
on it 24/7. Cellphones to teens is life, if we don’t
have a cellphone we just lost part of our life. Talking,
texting, Instagram, Twitter etc. teens cannot live without it.
Cellphones work miracles, It keeps you safe, makes you happy,
and most of all it has evidence. Something called
“screenshot” is evidence, it is also a something
teens can be proud of then again not too proud about. Teens
now a days cannot live without cellphones, it’s like
it’s in our nature to have it toting around with us
everywhere we go. No matter what condition your cellphone is
in we still need to have it. It comes in handy many ways but
why is it so important? Cellphones have the ability to attract
our attention for hours. Cellphones is not just something
people can take away from us Teens. We will defend our phone
like it is our own child. Whether your phone is an iPhone,
Android, Windows etc. the purpose is we are so addicted that
parents get mad every single time we look at our phone. Social
media is one of the reason why us teens keep our cellphones so
close. We cannot stay off social media to save our lives.
Social media is getting so powerful and cellphones are selling
out every time a new one comes out. Texting is a big problems
teens have. We just have to talk to someone either because
we’re bored or we need a friend. Texting is a huge
problem in everyone’s life. We text and drive. We text
and eat. We also text right before we go to bed, it
doesn’t matter we’re still going to text. Front
cameras is a big deal to phones these days. Front camera
allows to take something called a “selfie” using
the camera front ways and taking a picture of yourself. Front
cameras also let you Facetime. Skype, Tango and many other
things. These things are all related because you can call one
another and see the other persons face. That’s another
reason why Teens stay on the phone so much. Teens have this
saying for not getting their phone taken by their parents,
“but what if I need it in case of emergency.” What
we really mean to say is “If you take my phone away
I’m going to freak out.” In reality cellphones are
really a distraction to everyone, mostly Teens. Cellphones are
a distraction because we pay more attention to it than other
important things. Then again cellphones are a big help you can
look up certain things on the web, call if it’s an
emergency, and it’s always there to comfort you. The
more technology improves the more “addicted”
people will be. Yes, cellphones are an addiction however, we
do know our limits. Teens will always be attracted to their
phone and what’s even better the cellphones are going to
keep improving.
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