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Listen to the Reader
By: devrod
One day there was a color pencil out of the box, all of his
friends were worried about him getting taken by the dog. The
pencils name is Red, he is a brave pencil but is still
vulnerable to an attack. His best friend Blue is trying to
come help him but the other pencils won’t let him out
they don’t want to risk all of them being taken. Red is
rolling around the desk looking for a place to hide, when all
of a sudden they hear a loud bark. After the terrifying bark
the room was silent. Red then panicked and was trying to roll
underneath the piece of paper. The dog was called Rufus, he
was a great big pug. Rufus is a smart dog, he is a good
hunter, just last week he caught a doll trying to escape the
doll house. Meanwhile while Red was trying to get away from
Rufus, Blue was talking with the others and they came up with
a plan. They whispered to Red to try and get close to the
stapler so Speedy the stapler could launch him in the pencil
box. Red tried rolling to Speedy but he hit crumb and rolled
in the wrong direction and off the table he went. When Red hit
the floor Rufus stopped walking and growled. Red rolled on the
hard wood floors pretty fast, so he made it behind the
trashcan before Rufus could see him. Rufus started walking in
the direction of the trashcan and sniffed around trying to
track Red. The kid, little Jonny was downstairs in the kitchen
making cookies. Then the doorbell went off and Rufus and Jonny
ran to the door, this was Reds opening. Red quickly rolled
under the door and into the hallway he was thinking about how
he would return to the pencil box now. He then thought what if
a human helps me so he rolled down the hallway and tumbled
down the stairs into the kitchen. Jonny was standing in the
kitchen making cookies with Rufus beside him. This is where
Red thought about how to get Jonnys attention but not
Rufus’. Red then ran into the trashcan making a noise,
Rufus heard it and started to approach. Rufus found Red and
started to roll him around with his nose. Then all of a sudden
Sally, Jonnys sister yelled at Rufus to stop playing with the
pencil. Sally then took Red upstairs to the toy room and put
Red back with his friends right beside blue and everyone was
happy, except Rufus he didn’t get a chew toy
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Founded by Steve & Judy