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Wonder's of love and romance
By: lake22
Real love/romance is something I always dream, and fantasize
about all my teen years. When I think about love, and being in
a relationship, I think of supporting each other, and showing
that you care, and letting each other know that you can come
to one another with anything. Being in a relationship is
trust, loyalty, affection, and communication, the list goes
on. You have to show your partner all the things you would
want to be treated. I haven’t found a guy that’s
perfect for me, and when I say ‘’perfect
guy’’ there is no such thing as a perfect guy, but
I know one day when I fall in love truly head over heels fall
in love in my eyes he will be perfect to me. I have never
been in love before I always dream about it. I don’t
suspect a guy randomly just coming up to me, and saying
‘’I couldn’t stop looking at you, you are so
beautiful. Can I please have your number, I would love to get
to know you, and hopefully you will let me take you out
sometime.’’ But most likely that will never
happen. Or I don’t suspect a gorgeous man with a
beautiful physique and him being a total gentleman to me, most
likely he would probably be a total douche to me. I’m
the total girl that you suspect I love to dress up, go
shopping all the time, getting my nails, and hair done. But
when it comes to me really liking a guy I freeze, and I never
know what to say or do or act. I’m not the girl that
loves parties and drinking, and smoking. I am totally the
opposite, I love playing video games, and doing fun adventures
I’d rather sit at home watching a movie on Netflix with
no makeup on, and wearing sweatpants than go to parties, and
just get wasted. Not saying I wouldn’t go parties once
In a while just not all the time. I just would want someone to
love me for whom I am, and love all of me, take the time to
know my flaws. I feel like that’s not asking much what I
call a real man, is someone who shows off his girlfriend to
the world, and is proud to call her his girlfriend. He
doesn’t care if he is too affectionate he’s just
showing her, and to everyone else that he loves her, and
doesn’t care who’s around. No relationships are
like the movies, that is all fake it took me awhile to realize
that but it takes work, love, and commitment to really
sustain, and keep that relationship going steady. I want
someone who cares, and doesn’t lie or cheat I really
think there’s a guy out in this big world that believes
in never hurting a girl, and when they say they are only with
you it’s true. My close friend mom, said to me the other
day is “fall in love with your eyes closed.” So
for now on, I will always have my eyes closed until one day I
won’t have to wonder if my perfect guy is out there
anymore I will eventually get to open my eyes. I always
believe you have to go through by dating the assholes to get,
and to find the good ones. I believe there’s someone for
everyone you just have to look, and believe that you will be
loved one day. Now I also believe, that you don’t need a
man to have in your life you can do bad all by yourself, but
what I do know is sometimes us women want to feel,
appreciated, wanted, and most importantly loved. I wish
relationships weren’t so hard, but in a way it’s
good overcoming the obstacles I find that beautiful, and
amazing. I don’t believe going back to that person who
cheated on you. Once a cheater always a cheater. I’ve
never experienced that I hope I never will have to but I
strongly believe don’t ever change yourself just for a
guy be who you are, and someone will love you, for who you
are, and how you go about yourself. Whenever my prince
charming comes, and I meet someone that wants to be in a
committed relationship, and is always keeping it real with me,
and truly wants to be with me I can’t wait, and I hope
it’s just the beginning.
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Founded by Steve & Judy
"My close friend mom, said to me the other day is 'fall in love with your eyes closed.' So for now on,...