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Writer Notes
A brief opinion article on the on- going issue of Church and State in America.
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Church vs. State
By: TSH19
Religion has be a Great part of my life since birth. My family
is rooted in Christianity. I was raised as a Christian and to
this day I am a Christian. Over the years my life, the
decision I make have been based off my religion. I was
baptized at the age of 7 and have continue to live my life as
Christian since that day forward. Yes I have fallen, neither
am I perfect but I am willing to grow in God each day. As I
have grown in life, I have found a passion for politics, I
love people and I believe Christians should have a greater
influence in the Govern tent. We all know that Religion and
Politics has bumped heads for Centuries. Some believed That
Religion should not be involved in Politics and some believe
that Politics should not be in the church. It’s the
argument of State and Church. One famous President said it
like this “Believing with you that religion is a matter
which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account
to none other for his faith or his worship, that the
legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not
opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of
the whole American people which declared that their
legislature should 'make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between
Church and State”(Thomas Jefferson). I disagree with Mr.
Jefferson because our Country was founded on Christianity,
many of the laws we know are under is based on the convictions
of our Founding Fathers Religion. Our bible tells us
“That the government should be on the shoulders of our
God”. America was a Christian nation, so why do we try
to enforce like just to compromise for other people feelings,
now America has pushed God on the back front. In recent years,
the Supreme Court has moved away from the idea that the
Constitution forbids all religious involvement in policy
making and government social programs, but the issue remains a
point of debate. One Senator who I whole heartily AGREE with
said it best “It was not written into the Constitution.
While we have a Constitution that is very strong in the sense
that we are not going to have a religion that's
sanctioned by the government, it doesn't mean that we
need to have a separation between government and religion. And
so that, concerns me a great deal."(Ken Buck). I have nothing
against those who choose to live different lifestyles, but to
say God made you that way, when in the bible it says something
different is an insult to Christians. The Church and the
Government should be interacting and working together. I do
agree that the church shouldn't force the government to
make laws to please us, nor should People of different
interest groups do it either. We elect Politicians to
represent us, but they are doing opposite. If the Church would
stand up and refuse to vote for Officials; then it would have
a BIG impact on each election. 73% of Americans are
Christians, 247 million people. The Church has a Great impact
on elections and whatever may go on in America. There is NO
amendment that clearly says there should be a separation of
state and church, so why as Americans do we try to enforce
such a Thing?
You make a lot of great points in this article. I totally agree with you, especially in the general area of lines 48-57. I wish more writers like you were in charge of communities. I am a Christian. And I don't think there would be anything wrong with a government whose laws are based on God's w...You make a lot of great points in this article. I totally agree with you, especially in the general area of lines 48-57. I wish more writers like you were in charge of communities. I am a Christian. And I don't think there would be anything wrong with a government whose laws are based on God's word. I might share this writing with my church, if you don't mind.
- October 9, 2014
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I'm not smart enough to figure all this stuff out about government and state. But I will say that the article is very well written. I think because I can tell you have a passion, TSH19. It shows in your writing.
- October 9, 2014
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I really like the way you pulled in quotes from others to re-enforce your arguments. I didn't understand what you were saying in the sentence which began on line 38. Is it possible you are missing some words?
- October 10, 2014
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An interesting subject but handled by a young writer. Sentences are a bit stilted, facts are added as needed with good word choices
- October 10, 2014
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Wow! So many questions. I believe the question at hand is one of civility not morality. Government is here to enforce that all are civil in a land that has such diverse religion, values and morals. Morality is a personal choice.There is no clear cut answer to this debate. But, here's my perspective...Wow! So many questions. I believe the question at hand is one of civility not morality. Government is here to enforce that all are civil in a land that has such diverse religion, values and morals. Morality is a personal choice.There is no clear cut answer to this debate. But, here's my perspective on the matter. Unlike religion , laws are clearly stated and leave no room for misunderstandings or personal conviction. When you speak of religion you must ask who's and which shall we enforce. Christianity is as vast as the word love. What it is to one it is not to another. How many religions are Christian based and how opposing are they? That is why we cannot combine the two....politics, religion. One wants the tree up the other down, one says Merry Christmas, the other Happy Holidays. To many opposing and personal issues in religion to be stable and in agreement for all to follow. Government governs many as one people to simply be civil not moral and that's tough enough. To expect them to consider Christianity is just not feasible in a melting pot. Only hoping this will shed perspective for you...As for your writing, you really took on the challenge. Bully for you. Not an easy topic. Be careful to stay on a specific topic and finish it out. This one was easy to get lost in being there are so may different directions you could go in. Back up your statement's, it's not enough to say, I was brought up Christian and that's why. Tell why and how it affects you to get the reader on your side. Make it on a personal note that brings the emotion to the basic human level and even if there are disagreements in belief there will be understanding for your plight. Thanks for the insight.
- November 10, 2014
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I found this a very passionate piece of work. The author obviously believes in -- and has a passion -- for what he's writing about. I also found myself agreeing with much of the content. I think, but for a few grammatical errors, the work is fairly good. I like how the author "TSH19" backed up h...I found this a very passionate piece of work. The author obviously believes in -- and has a passion -- for what he's writing about. I also found myself agreeing with much of the content. I think, but for a few grammatical errors, the work is fairly good. I like how the author "TSH19" backed up his opinions with speeches made by early politicians; this gave the work some authority.
- January 22, 2015
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Poll Results
Is It Interesting? 6 Vote(s)
Are the sentences smooth? 7 Vote(s)
Is the narrative voice appropriate? 7 Vote(s)
Are the word choices good? 7 Vote(s)
Is the dialogue believable (if any)? 7 Vote(s)
Founded by Steve & Judy
I found this a very passionate piece of work. The author obviously believes in -- and has a passion -- for what he's writing about. I also found myself agreeing with much of the content. I think, but for a few grammatical errors, the work is fairly good. I like how the author "TSH19" backed up his opinions with speeches made by early politicians; this gave the work some authority.