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One Time at the Park
By: jaymoney
One Time at the Park
On one bright sunny day, I took my little nephew named Gabriel
to a park I had recently found out about. He had just promoted
from kindergarten, so I wanted to reward him. Originally, I
wanted to take him swimming in my neighbors’ pool, but
they were having a party where little kids were not invited.
However, since he also likes going to the park and making new
friends, I made that my back up plan. I made him a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich before we left and packed him one of
his favorite lunchboxes in case he became hungry later in the
day. I also picked out his clothes for the park in case he
wanted to flirt with any girls or something like that. He
spent most of time on the playground going down the slide and
on the swings. It felt he wanted me to push him on the swing
all day but I did not mind. His parents gave him this long,
unnecessary speech to waste his time and take the fun out of
promoting kindergarten. In my opinion, they did a bad job of
parenting because he is supposed to rewarded for working hard
in school and not getting a lecture. Since I rewarded him with
a trip to the park, he rewarded me by helping me get a
girl's phone number. Then, I took him home after he
enjoyed his day and promised to keep working hard.
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