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one mans red light is another mans green light
- austin
- Non-Fiction / Business/Money
- 11 years ago
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one mans red light is another mans green light
By: austin
The story I'm about to tell is about two men. The one mans
name is Albert. The other mans name is Cristian. Albert and
Cristian both started their first day of high school. They
both got on the bus with no ambition to go to school. The ride
there changed their perspective. That morning they saw
something that they wanted so bad but didn't have the
money to get. They bet each other who could get it first.
Cristian's first thought was dropping out of school to
get a job and save up. But Albert had a different approach.
When Albert got to school the 1st thing he did was rush to
class and when he got there he asked his teacher how to make
lots of money. The teacher said I'll give you an answer
when you bring me straight A's on your report card.
Albert got his report card months later with all A's but
one b. Teacher said that's not what I asked you to do
come back when they're all A's. He did he worked
harder and got his report card again with all A's on it.
He was so happy, he showed the teacher. The teacher said do it
again. Albert did so, he did that every report card till he
got his final report card and asked the teacher "are you gonna
tell me how to make lots of money now?". The teachers response
was "when you put all of your effort into a goal you set and
don't take anything less. Than you will make lots of
Albert wanted to become an engineer. He went to college, got
straight A's like his teacher taught him. Graduated in
the top of his class and the top company "Microsoft" called
him for an interview he applied for after graduating. When he
met with them the next day they notified him that he got the
job and they wanted him to start the next day.
Albert called a plumber months later because his toilet
flooded soon after getting his new house. The plumber came to
the house and Albert thought he recognized him. The plumber
was Cristian. They were happy to see each other so after
Cristian fixed the plumbing Albert asked "do you wanna get a
drink later?". Later that night they had a few drinks and
talked about what they did when they got out of school. Albert
talked for hours while Cristian didn't have much to say.
But he brought up what they both admired when they were on the
bus that first day of high school. Cristian took Albert of to
the front of the bar and showed him that car in the dealer
ship they both have seen that day on the bus. Albert said "
wow you got it, I'm so happy for you." Cristian said "
yeah so it looks like I won that bet." Albert replied with
"yeah but you can have that bet I got the better prize" while
showing Cristian his brand new Bentley he drove off the lot
that day.
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