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Listen to the Reader
I Dark Memory
By: Monkey
The door open up and the world start spinning. The colors swirl
around me. The wind blows pass my ears. It said “I see
you I’m right there in front of you.” “I
think you may be there” I say to the wind. The room
darkened and the walls crack. My hair stands up. A tear falls
down from my eyes. I think I’m crying I wipe my face.
But, nothings there, is there something wrong with me. I take
a step and the floor cracks and bulks under my feet I look
down I see a red water on the floor. I bend over and touch it.
I feel I wind blow on my neck. It feels like a kiss. I move my
eyes slowly up from the ground. Pail white feel covered in the
red water stands in front of I. I know you I say to the white
figure. I told you I was in front of you in a soft voice she
says to me. Are you real I say to her? Can’t you see me
she says? I look up slowly moving my eye from me feet up to
her body. Are you not cold I say to her? What do you mean she
says to me? You’re naked and there is this cold freezing
water everywhere. Water she says to me? She starts water down
the hallway laughing this is not water she says. I follow but
with every step it becomes hard to walk I. I look at her naked
body covered in red, mark on her body looking like her fall
down a hole there was no marks on her body but the red water
start to become clear to see. I don’t know what is going
on. I grab her arm and she turns looks back at me. Her crystal
blue eye looking back at me like its cutting throw my soul.
She pushes her cold lip next to mine. I eyes open up wide as
they can I wipe my arms around her. She wipes her arm around
me and pulls me in I become weaker the room becomes darker. I
fall body hits the ground hard. I fall through the floor and
look up at her. I know I say to. I remember I’m sorry I
say to her. I fall in to the darkness I say I’m sorry as
I fall deeper. My jumps up out of my bed. All man it was only
a dream. I need to go back to her I take the knife and my
beer. I take sip and cut my trout I’m coming my love I
fall to bed fading away covered in red water. I’m
coming….I’m coming and I’m sorry I did not
remember you my love.
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Is It Interesting? 6 Vote(s)
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Founded by Steve & Judy
Now, let me get this straight: A man has a dream about the figure of a lost love, wakes up, and cuts his own throat in order to join her. Yes, utterly brilliant. Easily one of my favorites....