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who are you
By: reeseway
For many people getting a driver’s license, is one of the
most important milestones in your young adult life. Getting a
driver’s license means you are a step closer to
independence and you are able to go anywhere you want whenever
you want. It’s something to be proud being able to show
your picture around to everyone. Once you sign the signature
screen it is official that you now have your driver’s
license. For many people there perfect picture and bubbly
signature is something to be proud of, this was not the case
for me.
Knowing that I passed all of the prerequisites to obtain a
driver’s license I was very excited to pass my road
test. I went to the MVA one summer day, and was early for my 1
o’clock appointment. It was one of the busiest days
I’ve ever been there. I kept overhearing people saying
how the driving instructors were mean and on busy days they
fail people for the smallest things. I was next in line and
mother wished me luck, she also said “they should be in
a good mood because they just had a lunch break.” We
laughed as she got out the car and the instructor entered. I
greeted her and she never spoke back this made me feel more
intimidated. Driving off I knew I was bound to mess up, and I
did. “Keep going it’s okay” she told me. My
heart started pounding even harder because now I have to
continue and knowing that I failed already.
When the test was over she sat in silence and handed me the
iPad and told me to sign. So I did, she told me to remove the
keys and go stand inside and wait for my number to be called.
So I did, my nervousness overcame me so I never thought that I
was standing in line to get my driver’s license. My
number was called so I got up to go sit in the booth. It was a
fast process, I sat down and my picture was instantly snapped.
Realizing that I didn’t time the countdown with my smile
correctly I knew my picture was bad. She displayed the picture
on the screen and just as she did an older lady walked past
and laughed while she congratulated me. I just wanted my
picture of the screen as soon as possible. The woman passed me
the signature pad and the pen for me to sign. I was so nervous
and shaky, I signed in a rush. When the preview came up on the
screen I realized that I signed my last name wrong. I asked
could I redo it but she said it was already submitted. I was
so shamed that not only was my picture terrible my name was
spelt wrong and I am the one who signed it. She handed over my
license and I was proud I passed but more embarrassed of what
I done. Shortly after leaving my whole family was asking me
for a picture or to show them but I couldn't. I knew they
would laugh at me. I began to think of ways to get around it
but came up with nothing.
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