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My Photography Experience
By: ed_thegreat
Ever since I was a little kid I've wanted to become a
photographer. That dream has never faded away. While in high
school, I found out I could take photography and so I spoke
with my guidance counselor about getting into the class. After
switching into photography I found out that the class
wasn't going to be fun as I expected. I was then informed
it was going to be a lot of work I would have to put into the
class and all of the work just in order to pass the class. No
one had warned that the class wasn't really going to be a
lot of fun as I thought it was going to be. The class turned
out to be very demanding. All the assignments were hard to
complete so I would have to skip my lunch just in order to get
things done on time. The teacher was out most of time, so when
she wasn't there we weren't allowed to go into the
darkroom to make photograph prints. When my photography
teacher wasn't there, she left us substitute work to do
which normally consisted of a project that wouldn't be
completed in the duration of the class.
The class was always chaotic since it was a mixture
of two different classes into one, Photo One along with Photo
Two. From down the hall anyone could always hear my
photography teacher arguing with someone inside the classroom
just about anything. Even though it was such a disaster every
day in there with all the distractions and arguments going on
I would just keep trying to do my work no matter what, but I
never seemed to be able to turn it in on time no matter how
hard I tried since the class was so chaotic I always thought
that very class would be my dream killer.
In the class my teacher never gave me a 100% on
any of my assignments. The highest she ever gave me was 85%. I
was able to pass the class with an 80% at the end of the
school year which meant I would get moved up to Photo two the
next year.
I had started my senior year off right taking all the classes I
wanted but the only class I was really concerned was about my
photography class. I started thinking and wondering if I would
be able to pass this year since the class size had gotten
smaller so she would help us out more in the work she gave
us.I turned in my first photo print and made a 90% on it. I
knew that grade was good but I wanted a higher grade since I
worked hard for it.
For the final project I worked very hard on it. I spent three
weeks working on it only hoping that I would at least get a B.
After I finished the project and turned it in I received my
grade a week later. When I saw that I got 100% on the
project, I knew that all my hard work had paid off and that my
dream of becoming a photographer will continue.
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