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UNDERSTANDING The ROOTS Of HUMAN BEHAVIOR, Notes on the Causality of Social Systems
- Decon_WBB
- Non-Fiction / History
- 11 years ago
Writer Notes
This is the result of my attempts to understand History as a scientific discipline rather than as a branch of reportorial literature.
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UNDERSTANDING The ROOTS Of HUMAN BEHAVIOR, Notes on the Causality of Social Systems
By: Decon_WBB
Historians and social scientists deal with the who, what,
where, when how, and the whys of human societies. Inherent in
the why is the matter of human behavior. Therefore historical
and social sciences must ultimately address the question of
why, as a question of causality. Human behavior and only human
behavior causes social systems to form, evolve, and adapt. The
record of that process is called history. So the in the
broadest sense the Historical sciences must approach their
subject understanding the processes that create societies.
If we seek to understand humans in a global perspective,
we must understand the universal elements of human behavior.
This requires defining the causality of that behavior. For
some this is the most difficult of all scientific problems.
The basic question is, What is the nature of human nature? Are
we genetically programmed or free, or is it a case of being a
bit of both? It is basic in the social sciences that each
human, each culture, and each society is unique. It is a
staple in the classical physical sciences that it is the role
of science to study universal causalities and describe them as
laws. One school of classical science, assumed that since both
societies and humans are unique they could not be studied and
described as obeying universal natural laws. Thus, the social
sciences could not be true sciences. The other school tried to
find universal elements of human behavior in genomic control
of human behavior. This became the nature side of the
nature/nurture controversy. The posit is, genetically encoded
instincts force all animal behavior into specific responses to
stimuli. But analysis of specific individual responses to
specific stimuli reveals such a range of responses to any
specific stimuli that no specific underlying law could be
Understanding human behavior in the social sciences
requires a synthesis of biosociological (nature) and
sociobiological (nurture) thinking. Human behavior is the
universal causality in social systems. That causality like
human behavior is chaotic, emergent, and nonlinear. There are
five primary areas of innate behavioral causalities which tie
human societies together. First we are a learning species.
When we do not learn due to injury, disease, or genetic
defect, we are classified as abnormal.
Second, we are a social species, and when
“normal” we innately socialize into and identify
with group behaviors. If we do not socialize into social
roles, we are treated as abnormal.
Third, the order in our social groups is maintained by
status hierarchies which are innate to social systems. In
hierarchies individuals strive for a level of status they find
psychologically comfortable. Learning through socialization
and achieving a comfortable position status are innate
behaviors driven by the learned values of a given
socialization pattern. And the values act as super-normal sign
stimuli for status questers who are blocked in their quest for
satisfactory social status.
The Third innate behavior is that we are a thinking
species. And in that thinking we engage meta cognitive
thinking about what we have learned, and about what we have
thought about what we have learned.
The open-innate interaction of learning, thinking,
socialization, and status questing drives all primary forms of
social causality. The open-innate drives are conditioned by a
need for social conduct, where there is no innately fixed
order of conduct to be learned. So societies form of the need
to adapt an survive in the given environment in which a group
finds itself. Primary status is derived from achieving the
most beneficial behavior within and for the society.
Hence both classical approaches to science revealed a
misunderstanding of what science is and what unique means as
well as a misunderstanding of the nature of natural laws as
fixed rather than as part of an adaptive system. The
deterministic philosophy of science still bedevil our
understanding of science is.
Chaos, Complexity and Emergent Systems
Chaos theory recognizes that all systems, both physical
and social, are unique within the boundaries of their
definitions as systems. However, once a system is defined as a
unique stable set of dynamic relationships, the fact of that
definition places the system into a taxonomic class of
phenomena which have common attributes. Those common
attributes are not unique. Thus they can constitute a
description of the universal principles behind that taxonomic
class of system's general behavior.
Since the behavior is nonlinear, however, one can only observe
what the behavior will likely be, but never predict it
exactly. This has been called sensitive dependence on initial
But this description is itself flawed. In chaotic systems
there is an ongoing sensitivity to changing conditions. So to
be a system it must be self adaptive and self organizing.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks it has been recognized
the change is part of all of nature. That was expressed then
as “You can never step into the same river twice.”
The flow of river itself was changed by the fact of your
stepping into it. And as the river flows the river bed
changes, be it by one grain of sand at a time. At each instant
of flow it is different. But while the system of the river
remains it a state of constant flux it is describable as a
system. It can flood, or shrink during droughts or seem to
remain steady for years. But at any one instant there can be
hundreds of changes happening. A beaver building a dam, the
water eroding the bank causing it or a tree on the bank to
topple into the river each event changes the river and its
The a river, every system is subject to multiple ongoing
influences from events outside the system. But the
system’s self organization tends to maintain the system.
The river floods and cuts a new channel. It is still a river,
but it is changed. A river can completely abandon its channel
and direction of flow and so become a river with a different
mouth and even a different source. So the science of system
has to itself be dynamic enough to account for all the
variations that a system can display but still find the
fundamentals which constitutes the causality under which the
variations maintain themselves as a system.
Science's understanding of systems is complicated by
several factors. First is the phenomenon of chaos itself. The
theory holds that complex systems can emerge from chaos
without the event of an outside causality. The growth of
complexity itself creates new causalities. That is new levels
of causality form within complexity which lead to new levels
of organization that were not inherent in the individual
particles of the system.
Up quarks and down quarks have the inherent ability to
create neutrons and protons. But is the complexity of neutrons
and protons not that of the quarks that create simple atoms
like hydrogen and helium. Simple atoms themselves to not have
the inherent ability to create more complex atoms. That
causality comes from the effects of temperature and pressure
in stars. So each level of complexity has the possibility of
creating a new level of causality for the next level of self
For reactions to be Nonlinear means even with an
absolutely full set of data on the system at any given point,
it is not possible to say with absolution precision what the
next behavior of the system will be, because the next level
might create a new level of complexity. The next behavior can
be chaotic as a new form of system because the increased
complexity of chaotic systems creates nonlinear causalities
within themselves that are not predicable until the
causalities appear.
But the new system itself will fall within a set of behavioral
dynamics which when understood will identify the system.
Wow -- this was a lot to digest in one reading. And one would certainly have to be "into" the material to enjoy or learn from it. However, when critiquing upon the effectiveness of the lesson, I would have to give it high marks. While at first the work seems wordy and complex, the sentences are q...Wow -- this was a lot to digest in one reading. And one would certainly have to be "into" the material to enjoy or learn from it. However, when critiquing upon the effectiveness of the lesson, I would have to give it high marks. While at first the work seems wordy and complex, the sentences are quite simple and easy to comprehend, and the ideas become entertaining in themselves. There is good sentence flow, good word choices, and a great organization of ideas. I actually really enjoyed this work, especially the philosophical tone of the "river" section.
- October 2, 2014
- ·
I use to take philosophy in college. You lost me in the neutrons and protons part. And the "causality" part is a little bit convoluted. But overall I got a lot out of it.
You need a comma on line 5 between when and how. Not sure about the word "is" on the end of line 75. There seems to be some...I use to take philosophy in college. You lost me in the neutrons and protons part. And the "causality" part is a little bit convoluted. But overall I got a lot out of it.
You need a comma on line 5 between when and how. Not sure about the word "is" on the end of line 75. There seems to be something missing on line 106, "...causing it..." -- is "it" the beaver?
You need a comma on line 5 between when and how. Not sure about the word "is" on the end of line 75. There seems to be some...I use to take philosophy in college. You lost me in the neutrons and protons part. And the "causality" part is a little bit convoluted. But overall I got a lot out of it.
You need a comma on line 5 between when and how. Not sure about the word "is" on the end of line 75. There seems to be something missing on line 106, "...causing it..." -- is "it" the beaver?
- October 2, 2014
- ·
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Founded by Steve & Judy
Wow -- this was a lot to digest in one reading. And one would certainly have to be "into" the material to enjoy or learn from it. However, when critiquing upon the effectiveness of the lesson, I would have to give it high marks. While at first the work seems wordy and complex, the sentences are quite simple and easy to comprehend, and the ideas become entertaining in themselves. There is good sentence flow, good word choices, and a great organization of ideas. I actually really enjoyed this work, especially the philosophical tone of the "river" section.