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Writer Notes
Sample of a cover letter applying for a board of directors
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Rx Cover letter
By: Corrie
Dear Board of Directors:
I am Martha Diggles, a twenty-five year resident of Calvert
County. I've raised seven children, now ranging in age
from 18 to 35 years old.
Until recently, the last three years I had been a staff writer
and editor for the Calvert Independent. I learned about
Parents Raising Awareness for Substance Abuse when I covered
the first community forum to raise prescription drug abuse. It
was an eye opening experience for me. Especially when I
discovered that two of my children were prescribed some of the
prescriptions abused.
The following year substance abuse became very personal to me.
First, we learned our neighbor’s child had been abusing
illegal drugs. They were the type of family everyone
wouldn’t consider having this kind of difficulty. Next,
we learned that our own son had been dabbling in the same
drugs. Even more shocking was to find out that our neighbors
and the parents of our son’s friends had caught a group
a boys using marijuana a year prior. No one told us. And we
failed to recognize all the signs. In hindsight the signs were
there, but our son had reasonable explanations for most of his
changes in behavior.
All these boys shared common characteristics, similar to ones
mentioned in each of the public awareness forums. They were
star athletes, honor roll students, active in community
service, respected by adult and peers and college-bound.
Although, I’m not sure what the responsibilities and
expectations of the members of the Board of Directors, I know
I bring to the table my experiences as a parent, a former
reporter, and a member of the community. I’ve made many
contacts across the county from my involvement in PTAs,
business networking groups, interviewing people, volunteering
and applying my facilitating and training skills.
Although a number of other community boards have invited me to
join them over the years, the only board I’ve have
interest in serving is yours.
Thank you for your consideration of my application to your
With this letter, I would hire you. You sound professional, but you also sound like your personal experience would bring a lot to the table. Save for the typo on line #44, this is well-worded, well planned out, short to a digestible length, and I wouldn't make any changes.
- September 26, 2014
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As it turns out, the coders were working on the recorder at the time I recorded it. . . . and it didn't do it. But now it is done. I done did it over again. It's doo'ded.
- September 29, 2014
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Founded by Steve & Judy
As it turns out, the coders were working on the recorder at the time I recorded it. . . . and it didn't do it. But now it is done. I done did it over again. It's doo'ded.