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Writer Notes
This is all true. My dad was quite a character when I was growing up. Just wondering if anyone else out there ever heard the same explanation.
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What's A Belly Button For?
By: funbies
When I was a little kid and would ask my dad what the belly
button was for, he would explain, "That's where the
doctor blew you up when you were born!" Then he would
demonstrate by blowing a long hiss of air into his fist, the
freehand measuring away the growing size of me as this
imaginary balloon infant. Then to finish the demonstration he
would pretend to tie an intricate knot. "And then he would
tie the very important knot and would tuck it right here
inside you." And with this he would poke me in my own real
belly button. "And that's how you got your belly
Of course I'd be giggling. And on occasion he would
add, "So never play with your belly button or else it will
come undone and all the air will come out of you." He'd
poke out his tongue and make a big wet raspberry sound and
pick me up and surf me around the room. "And then you'll
fly all crazy around the room like a popped balloon and land
somewhere over here on the bed, all flat and deflated" --
eventually throwing me on the bed as I laughed my head off.
He also would insist that the purpose of lips was to keep
one's mouth from fraying. But that is another story.
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Founded by Steve & Judy
Fun story about where belly buttons come from.