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Writer Notes
For anyone who has a son, or daughter in the military.
Listen to the Reader
By: SonaeSun
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I really liked this short story. My husband is retired military. Also, being a mom, I had a lump in my throat as I read it through the first time.
Recording removed.
Welcome Home
By: mom
As I sit here waiting and watching the travelers scurry about
the airport, I noticed a young woman carrying a newborn in a
courier close to her breast. I stared for a moment
remembering how anxious and excited we were on that special
day you arrived. You looked so small and helpless, crying
loudly as they washed you and snuggled you up in a warm
blanket, then laid you in my arms. I remembered Dad looking
on with pride. He didn't know I saw a sigh of relief
leave his tear stained cheek.
Yes, we counted your little fingers and toes, made sure
everything was where it's suppose to be, nothing missing
The wait again is almost over, anxious and excited as we
were long ago. The plane that brings you home to us has
landed and your days in an unfamiliar land not knowing your
own destiny has ended. You've served your country well.
As I watch for you to appear, my heart races and feels
like it will burst. My knees knock, my hands shake, my eyes
search the crowds rushing here and there. Then suddenly there
you are, standing straight and tall before us with a smile
that would warm the hearts of angels. Words unspoken, my arms
reach to cradle you with love. I don't know how long I
hold on. In this moment, time stands still.
When I finally look up, I see Dad patiently waiting his
turn, the years of worry and despair on his face relaxed. I
could see the joy and pride in his eyes. He gives you a big
strong hug, a pat on the back, picks up your baggage and says
"We've missed you. Welcome home."
Poll Results
Is It Interesting? 4 Vote(s)
Are the sentences smooth? 4 Vote(s)
Is the narrative voice appropriate? 4 Vote(s)
Are the word choices good? 4 Vote(s)
Is the dialogue believable (if any)? 4 Vote(s)
Founded by Steve & Judy
This is a nice piece. There is warmth to it.