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Writer Notes
All comments are welcome. But I would really love any comments offering personal tips on the writing environment, how it can help you or hurt you. Thanks guys.
Listen to the Reader
My Writing Space
By: natter
I hear it all the time: "The perfect writing space has a
beautiful view where I can get my coffee and sit down and look
out the window and think about my novel." But that's
just what ends up happening. You end up drinking coffee and
looking out the window. The writing never gets done.
So I choose a room in a basement or even a large closet to
work in, any space that doesn't have a window at all.
Either this, or I draw the curtains or even line the windows
with tinfoil. No natural light pulling me off to far places.
No distractions. I get my coffee and focus on the story. And
I can really lay down words.
Another writing method I employ is music. Now I'm
not talking about putting on your favorite rock station in the
background; and I'm not talking about music to relax by.
You are here to work, to set as many words down on the page as
you can. Words you will be able to keep! So I'm talking
about music that fits the scene you are writing. I have a
vast library of movie music, you know, original soundtrack
stuff. I think of a movie that contains a similar scene,
emotionally similar, and I play the music for that scene to
get me in the right mood. In this way I feel more emotional,
which lends to more truthful writing. The scene goes down
faster, clearer, and with a better economy of words. It
really works for me.
Lastly, I never show my work to anyone. I mean, how many
times have you read something to someone, seen their reaction,
and then scrapped what you wrote. No, no -- I don't do
this anymore. I get the writing to where I want it, to where
I enjoy it and think it's good, and then maybe . . . just
maybe I'll let someone else read it. Otherwise I would
never finish anything. So -- never edit your work by the
reactions of other people.
That's it for now. Hope this helps someone out there.
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Founded by Steve & Judy