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Writer Notes
Did a few more things on this. Please compare to the 2nd draft and tell me what'cha think.
Listen to the Reader
By: DevlinRyder
I remember the cold rain. The dark night. The wind.
It came down like God flapping the skirts of his giant
raincoat, as I huddled against a New York winter. My collar
was pulled up around my neck; it was the only coat I owned,
moth eaten and inadequate. But I kept my vision, sneaker-shod
and scurrying down 8th Avenue. I knew where I was trying to
go, now literally, and of course metaphorically. Always
metaphorically. That's how we philosophers are, always
finding the metaphor, the alternate view, the deeper meaning.
Yes -- so let's just get this out of the way: I am a
musician. I play the guitar. I'm a young man who left
home a few months ago and I'm out trying to find my own
place in the world. Okay. There. I've said it.
I'm a walking cliche.
But how many walking cliche's do you know who've
committed murder, eh? Now I'm a walking contradiction as
well, wouldn't you say? But I find a kind of safety in
both, really. And to be honest, if I had it to do all over
again, I'd do it entirely differently. For example, I
wouldn't have hid the body in the sewer pipe. I probably
wouldn't even have strangled the guy. No. No. I would
have done it differently. I would have used a blunt
instrument against his head and thrown him into the lake with
a cinder block tied around his feet. Let them try to find
that one.
Okay, but this was my first time, and I was stupid, I
know. I'll try to manage it better next time, to say,
before the day is through. Of course there will be a next
time and I'm guessing right around six o'clock this
evening. I'm suppose to meet Jimbo at five. We'll
see if he shows up. Hey, money talks, people. And I've
got a career to see out.
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